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Most women will not talk openly about their hair loss, and yet every woman knows at least one woman with very thin hair. It is much more common than you would think. 50% OF POST MENOPAUSAL WOMAN HAVE THINNING HAIR ON THEIR SCALP! After age fifty, the same amount of men as women suffer from thinning.
There are many reasons for thinning hair in women. The most common reason is loss of estrogen as we age. Heredity also plays a major part in this. How many women confronted their hair loss with the frightening realization that Aunt Mary wore that ratty wiglet in the 1960's because she had no choice? Along with thinning on top of the head, your eyebrows thin with age and your facial features seem to enlarge. Your nose and ears will get bigger, and your teeth will seem to have the appearance of becoming larger due to the recession of your gums. If the cause is not aging or heredity, there can be many reasons why your hair is thinning.
If your hair is thinning the first thing you should do is see a doctor. A thyroid condition, either over active or under active could be the cause. A simple blood test can determine this. It can seem to sneak up on you, and it is more common than you would think.
A lot of hair loss is caused by medication. Are you currently taking high blood pressure medication? Are you taking anti-depressants? It could be your iron levels are too low. All of these symptoms can be easily detected by visiting your health care professional.
If there is not a medical reason for your hair loss you can try 2% Minoxidel solution, 5% solution is for the men only. You can reinforce this with a Rogaine shampoo. Keep in mind this is not cheap! It will cost you about $65 a month. If used every day it can prevent further hair loss, but it is not guaranteed to grow new hair. You must use this method forever. If you stop using the product, the effects stop.

We live in a wonderful time! It is a time of innovation and ever changing technology. Non-surgical methods of hair replacement have changed greatly over the years. Women no longer are forced to wear hot heavy, unnatural, old fashioned wigs and wiglets. Whatever your amount of hair loss, whatever your color, texture, or length, a hair system can be custom made for you. We are all different and these differences need to be met and assessed.
You may have hair loss in one particular area of your head. It may be you are thin throughout your top scalp. Some women suffer from Alopecia Areata, which means baldness in spots. Many women are recovering from catastrophic illness and have lost their hair temporarily. Each one of these problems need to be met individually as they are all very different problems. Now, take into account the difference in each persons ethnic background as far as texture and wave in hair, each persons individual hairline, and you can see there is not a one size fits all answer.
There is a less common reason for hair loss called Trichotillamania. Approximately one in fifty people suffer from this disorder. It is chronic repetitive hair pulling. The cause and the nature of this disorder is not yet well understood. It is devastating to those who suffer from it, and compassion is the first step in assisting these individuals.
We at Jerry Casper understand the pain and embarrassment of hair loss. We are professionals with many years in the field of women's hair design. we can assess and determine what solution will best meet your personal needs. The range is unlimited, anything from a small attachment of hair to a full custom made cranial prosthesis.
About Hair Loss
Most women will not talk openly about their hair loss, and yet every woman knows at least one woman with very thin hair. It is much more common than you would think.
After age fifty, the same amount of men as women suffer from thinning.